Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Effects Of Stress On The Workplace - 1398 Words

â€Å"Stress is the body’s response to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life.†(WebMD UK) Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns into stress when one feels unable to cope. For workers everywhere, the economy may feel like an emotional roller coaster. Layoffs and budget cuts are common in the workplace, and the result is increased fear, uncertainty, and higher levels of stress ( Jeanne Segal, Melinda Smith, Lawrence Robinson, and Robert Segal, 2015). Symptoms of Stress These are some of the symptoms of stress: Truancy, getting away from work obligations, arriving†¦show more content†¦A model of framework of the effects of the stress on performance shows that, there are 4 types of individual effects of stress which are: Cognitive, Emotional, Behavioural, physiological. Behind every successful business there is an excellent team working strategy. With companies who are facing problems to execute its strategies and potential in order to reach the aimed profit, should look after the employees and try to make them enjoy the work environment. If the employees are stressed or burdened with work, it leads to team effects of stress which are Decreased Coordination, Decreased Cooperation and Ineffective Communication (Aaron S. Dietz). Poor communication between the team members, would not bring out innovative ideas for the business, mutual understanding and wide range of perspectives from every individual. It is broadly recognised that workload is a multidimensional construct (Yeh and Wickens, 1988) and that stress is a component of a person-environment/task transaction that involves the individual s evaluation of his accessible assets with respect to errand requests (Matthews, 2001). Theory of organisational Stress As per Cote S. and Morgan LM (2002), anxiety is fundamentally a type of upsetting feeling and has the possibility to expand worker turnover. In any case, different creators, for example, Hart and Cooper (2001) point out that established researchers still has not came to a concurred position on

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